Sunday, February 20, 2011

Chinese font display

When learning Chinese characters, and particularly practicing writing them, as I do with Skritter, I find it helpful to have some models to copy, since part of my motivation in learning to write characters is writing them as elegantly as possible (I've got a long way to go).

This is a nice tool for testing a variety of examples of Chinese writing styles:
Sadly you can't link to examples since the form uses POST, see image below.
(need to track down or develop a GET to POST converter for this kind of thing)
An example of text I used was
台北市 大同區 敦煌路 巷 號 之
since I needed to write my address to fill out a paper form for a Taipei road race.

WAZU JAPAN's Gallery of Unicode Fonts has a lot of freely installable Traditional Chinese fonts

I'd like to check out some web-based fonts for Chinese if there are some.

But see this good discussion of the limited set of Chinese fonts:
"Unlike English web designers, who have a relatively wide array of available typographical options, due to a lack of good common typefaces, Chinese web designers are cursed with a very limited number of fonts, of which 宋体 [sòngtǐ aka Mincho aka Song font] is undoubtedly used for more than 95% of the text on any Chinese website."

So maybe, for my own private purposes at least, I could put some of the .ttf files listed above online following this recipe:
I could do this by putting the .ttf files on my server, or even just reference their their current location?
Not sure what the legal/etiquette/practicality issues are with fonts.
(See below for a better solution using the commercial web font provider

List of free web fonts (including some Japanese ones):

There is a splendid demonstration of 76 different Traditional Chinese web fonts at
they also have 144 Simplified Chinese fonts:

A number of these fonts can be used for free:
Here's a static demonstration:

This dynamic page I made allows you to display arbitrary text in a variety of fonts:
That's pretty much what I wanted for study purposes!台北市+大同區+敦煌路+巷+號+之

The web fonts are even displayable directly in this blog post. The following lines of font-a-licious Chinese-text are regular selectable and copyable text, not images:
台北市 大同區 敦煌路 巷 號 之
台北市 大同區 敦煌路 巷 號 之
Also, myfontbook is a pretty good web site to see what fonts are on your computer, and look at them all at the same time for an arbitrary text
(doesn't work on Ubuntu Chrome? works fine on Firefox)

Screenshots of's calligraphy editor:
Screenshots of's calligraphy editor

Update July 19, 2011:
Ancient calligraphy lookup site:
(mentioned on this Skritter forum thread)

Update April 26, 2015:
Arphic has some good Chinese fonts and you can test them online.
Thanks Thomas K.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chrome extensions I use or have used

BuiltWith Technology Profiler - Version: 1.5
Find out what the website you are visiting is built with using this extension.

Chrome SEO - Version: 0.8
The Google Chrome SEO Extension. All the SEO Stats and Tools you need to make daily SEO easier. The MOST popular Chrome SEO Plugin!

Chrome Sniffer - Version: 0.2.5
Detect web applications and javascript libraries run on browsing website.

ChromeReload - Version: 0.5
Automatically reload a page. Configure how often each page reloads and see a count-down until the next load

Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer (by Google) - Version: 1.5.8 (Disabled)
Automatically previews pdfs, powerpoint presentations, and other documents in Google Docs Viewer.

drag2up - Version: 2.2.1
Drag files to text boxes on any site to upload and share.

FlashBlock - Version: 0.9.31
FlashBlock for Chrome. Block them all, or be selective with the embedded whitelist manager

META SEO inspector - Version: (Disabled)
Useful to inspect the meta data found inside web pages, usually not visible while browsing.

Pendule - Version: 0.0.3
Extended developer tools for Chrome.

Quick Tabs - Version: 2010.6.27
A keyboard centric most recently used (MRU) ordered tab list plugin with search and switch functionality inspired by intelliJ IDEA

Resolution Test - Version: 2.0
An extension for developers to test web pages in different screen resolutions, with an option to define your own resolutions.

rikaikun - Version: 0.8.1
A port of rikaichan for chrome. Translate Japanese by hovering over words.

RSS Subscription Extension (by Google) - Version: 2.1.3
Adds one-click subscription to your toolbar.

Ultimate Chrome Flag - Version: 0.3.7
This extension displays country or region name, Geo, Google PageRank, Alexa Rank and WOT info for the websites you're visiting.

Validity - Version: 1.1.0
Click the icon in the address bar or press Ctrl+Alt+V to validate the current page.

Webpage Screenshot - Version: 5.0
Fast&Simple solution to Save & Share & Print & Edit screenshots of any webpage. Capture to PNG/JPG drawing tools, and sharing features.

YouTube Repeat - Version: 1.0.1
Repeat YouTube videos.

Zhongwen : A Chinese-English Popup Dictionary - Version: 2.0
Chinese popup translator. Great tool for learning Chinese. Supports adding words to Skritter.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Getting a unicycle in Taiwan

Taiwan makes a lot of unicycles, but it's not that easy to find a place to buy one.

I think I can buy this one by calling and having it delivered: (Google translation)
(note: I bought itm less than 50 euros, and it's great!)
I think this is the same one on an auction site:
Another one I looked at:

OK now the one I want is this 36-inch monster: (Google translation)
(costs 3 times more, so I'll wait first to see if I get good at the 26-inch one...)

Other links:
Is Torker the same as Taroka? I guess not:
Taiwan unicycling web site (fairly new, little content)

Learning about HTML5 etc

Mark Pilgrim's Dive Into HTML5